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Friday, August 31, 2012

Connectify 3.4 Pro Full Keygen

dari kemaren sibuk kerja ampe sekarang belum selesai nih pekerjaan,, dunia blogger sempet di tinggalin dlu buat beresin kerjaan.. jadi ga sempet posting deh,, kali ini ane mau posting tentang Connectify 3.4 Pro Full Keygen. agan2 pasti udah pada tau kan software conectify itu apa?.
connectify sendiri menurut ane adalah software yg memudahkan kita membuat hotspot dengan menggunakan fasilitas wifi pada laptop atau notebook (tapi ane pake PC sih!!.. kebetulan di tempat kerja ada wifi gratis dari Speedy cman limitted. ane psangin nih connectify dan akhirnya jadi unlimited)..hehe

info tambahan ane dapet hasil searching dari embah google..

Conenctify Release Notes:

  1. Faster: Connectify is now faster (20% faster on client-to-client, and client-to-host networking) and uses significantly less CPU than previous versions.
  2. Better support for streaming video, peer-to-peer, and gaming: The software for UPnP, MTU, and client-to-client communications have all been reworked for speed and reliability. Some examples of applications that now work noticeably better from clients include the XBox 360’s Zune Marketplace and uTorrent.
  3. Better support for 3G/4G cards: A number of additional mobile broadband cards and wireless carrier configurations are now supported. Certain 3G/4G cards that were misidentified as Ethernet cards are now correctly recognized as mobile broadband cards.
  4. Options to turn off Fling File Transfers and Network Peer Scanning: Some people requested the ability to turn off the Fling Wi-Fi File Transfer functionality, and we have complied. Turning off Network Peer Scanning will make Connectify no longer detect web servers and shared drives on other computers, but will also prevent it from issuing ARP packets onto the network. Both options can be found in the Connectify Menu under Advanced Settings.
  5. Windows 8 Support (Beta): Connectify now works on Windows 8. This is beta level support, please tell us how it works for you.
kalo agan mau nyoba software nya bisa di download disni ==>> DOWNLOAD

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